Heart, Soul, and Love: Sister’s Unbreakable Bond

Heart, Soul, and Love: Sister’s Unbreakable Bond
Watercolor on Paper
I don’t have a sister, but imagine that if I had one, I would love her with all my heart and we would have a bond similar to the one that my boys share.  They spend every waking moment together.  There is laughter, tears, and a deep friendship.  But unlike girls, they roughhouse, scream, and torture each other…I suppose a bond none the less.
Facebook has allowed me to stay in touch with friends from high school.  One family in particular, has been super supportive of my art and they are just good people in general.  Julie and Khristian are creative people too – they understand the outlet my art is for me and they’ve been lifting me up all along.  I’ve been watching their girls grow via social media…cute redheaded beauties.  It’s so inspiring to see the love that they share.  I asked Julie (the girls’ mom) to help me name this one.  She came up with the title and said she chose it because the three girls are her heart, soul, and love.  I just love it!