
Watercolor on Paper
Private Collection
Whew, what a week!  I am so glad it’s over.  I started this portrait of my son on Sunday night and woke up Monday to the same routine but as I was driving home from work, I got a call from my husband and that routine quickly changed.  He told me our four year old (portrait subject) got his thumb smashed in a heavy metal door at VPK (preschool) and he was on his way to the ER.  I met him there and quickly found out how bad our little guy’s thumb really was.  We were told that he may lose it!  After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, a surgeon that specialized in pediatric orthopedic surgery took a look and said he should be able to keep it as long as it doesn’t get too infected.  What an ordeal!  We still don’t know if it will look completely normal but at least he has his thumb.  Only a parent can truly understand how traumatizing this event was for us.  I’m just happy it has a promising ending!
As I worked on this portrait, I couldn’t help but think of how much this child means to me.  He is currently going through a shy phase (don’t ask me how, having two outgoing parents like us) but he has a heart of gold.  He is sensitive and creative – and of our two boys, he will most likely be an artist like his mommy.  I am so thankful to be his mother…he brings me so much joy!