Warrior of Love

Warrior of Love
9×16 inches
Watercolor on Paper
This piece is my new favorite.  Lately I feel like I’ve been creatively stuck.  I’ve been painting but it’s been awhile since I’ve been truly happy with my work.  It’s been awhile since I’ve started something that I’ve been dying to come home to so I can pick up where I left off.  There is no doubt, this piece helped me find the momentum I needed.
With this piece, I had a photo that I found as inspiration but I knew I wanted to make modifications and change the overall feeling of the image.  I changed her outfit, the background, and added a halo/crown and an arrow.  As I kept going with this piece, I was inspired to add the metallic gold leaf to her bracelet and halo, giving it a very different, multimedia look and I’m pretty pleased with the result.  What do you guys think?  
Here’s a link to the in-progress video, which includes music by a local musician, Reggie Williams.  Enjoy!