Moon Struck

Moon Struck
18×28 inches
Watercolor on Paper
2013 was a great year!  I learned so much about painting this year.  It was truly a year of growth.  I feel like my skills have developed as an artist quite a bit in the past 12 months.  I’ve tried new things and pushed boundaries.  My goal for this next year is to continue to learn and grow as an artist.  I really want to take my skills to the next level by developing interesting compositions and by creating daily – even if it’s for only 5 minutes!
“Moon Struck” is another piece inspired by my beautiful sister-in-law, Dyionna.  It’s a sister painting to the “Dreams and Musings” painting that I did last month.  I’ve been really busy over the holidays.  I spent lots of time with family and had a lot of fun so I didn’t have much time for painting but I finally finished this morning.  It’s a big one!  18×28 inches!  This painting is my first painting of 2014 – here’s to many more!