Anna’s Sunrise

Anna’s Sunrise
11×14 inches
Watercolor on Paper
My sweet niece Annabelle had a birthday a couple weeks ago and when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she asked for a painting.  I did some prying.  I asked her about the colors in her room, what she liked, if she wanted me to paint one of her interests, etc.  And after a few minutes of pondering she said, “do you remember that day Tio Alex and I went to the beach to watch the sunrise?  That day meant so much to me.  Can you please paint me a picture of the sunrise from that day?” Her request made my heart melt.  That was such a font memory for her and I know those trips to the beach to watch the sun rise mean so much to my husband, Alex.  I proudly present to you a painting painted from the photograph they took that day. I hope she loves it!