Bromeliad Love

Bromeliad Love
Watercolor on Paper
This bromeliad was painted for my Aunt Gloria…she has hundreds of them growing in her back yard.
Some of my fondest memories as a child were spent with my aunt, uncle, and cousin, Jonathan in Ft. Lauderdale.  On many Friday afternoons, after a long week teaching elementary school, my parents would load up the van, throw my brothers and I in the back, and make the trek to the coast.  We spent countless weekends at the beach and playing in my aunt’s backyard.  She was practically a second mother.  Aunt Gloria is one of the kindest people you’ll meet…and she’s fun too!  But on top of being a first-class lady, she has always supported me and has treated me like a daughter.  She even drove hours from Lakeland to Orlando to support me at my very first art show at the Orlando Museum of Art.  It meant so much to me!
I’d love to paint something for all of my awesome aunts…but this flower is special…because it’s for her. Love you, Aunt Gloria!